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Interview with Barn the Spoon

Interview with Barn the Spoon

Barn the Spoon “London’s most famous and charismatic spoon whittler” will be coming down to teach a short course in spoon carving this September, and Dartington Trust’s Will Kemp caught up with him to find out more about the man behind the legend.

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The Borders We Travel

The Borders We Travel

Pavel Cenkl, Director of Learning at Dartington Trust and Head of Schumacher College, writes on recent global events from his perspective as an avid-long distance runner.

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Mary Fulkerson at Dartington

Mary Fulkerson at Dartington

Everyone at Dartington has been saddened at the news of the death of dancer, teacher and choreographer, Mary Fulkerson, a major influence in the development of New Dance, and leading figure in dance at Dartington College of Arts from 1973 to 1985.

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