Media Centre
Latest news and blogs
Plea for dog owners to take care around livestock
“I have been hit with sticks, I have had stones thrown at me and I have been spat at” – our tenant farmer issues a plea for visitors to help protect his livelihood.
Vision for Dartington Estate to become a food hub for south Devon
We catch up with Tara Vaughan-Hughes, Food Lead for Dartington Trust, whose culinary influences are inspired by her native home in rural Vermont, USA.
New MA programmes begin and students arrive
A historic moment for learning at Dartington Trust as students on our two new MA programmes experienced their first day of teaching on site here at Dartington.
A statement from Dartington Trust
A statement regarding the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)’s decision on our handling of private data last year.
How we run our garden has had to grow
As we blinkingly start to come out of lockdown darkness, it is a time of newness, the trees are full of blossom, and the gardens at Dartington are going through a period of growth and change.
Plas y Brenin and TYF join Dr Rachel Sweeney on our new MA Movement, Mind, and Ecology
We’re delighted to announce today our official partnership with two leading outdoor organisations TYF and Plas y Brenin in the delivery of our new Movement, Mind, and Ecology Master’s programme, starting in June this year. We’re also extremely pleased to announce our newly appointed Programme Lead, Dr Rachel Sweeney.
Moving over imagined ground
Dr Pavel Cenkl, our Director of Learning, blogs on his experience exploring the undulating gravel highlands between Iceland’s Vatnajokull and Hofsjokull icecaps.
Holistic Science: a 30 year legacy at Schumacher College
Dr Troy Vine discusses the wide-reaching and influential legacy of the Holistic Science programme at Schumacher College with one of the founders of the College, Dr Stephan Harding. (Links to SoundCloud)
Caroline Aitken: Regenerative farming and the education landscape
We can only achieve widespread transition to agroecological farming if we change the way we educate the next generation of farmers writes our Regenerative Food and Farming lead, Caroline Aitken.
Schumacher College launches major essay competition for 30th anniversary
We’re excited to announce today the launch of our 30th anniversary Essay Competition, “Education as if People and Planet Matter”, in collaboration with Resurgence & Ecologist Magazine.