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Conservation diary: Longer days and the return of migratory birds
Spring is almost upon us but the nights can still feel cold. Each day brings extra daylight in the evenings ready for the clocks to go forward and prepare us for the warmer months ahead.
Conservation diary: Spring is on its way
February can be a bleak month – however there are signs spring is around the corner with large clumps of snowdrops showing on the woodland floor.
Food & Farming blog: Please help us prevent dog attacks
It has transpired that there has been a dog attack on several of Little Bo People’s sheep in the early hours of this morning.
Conservation diary: Green shoots around the corner?
In January there are few plants showing, although the yellow hazel catkins can be seen in the woodlands and hedgerows.
Dartington increases investment in Totnes Renewable Energy Society
Dartington has chosen to invest a further £20,000 in TRESOC’s current Share Issue, bringing the total raised so far to £230,550.
‘Crocus circle’ oak tree succumbs to honey fungus
The large turkey oak near the White Hart and Space Studios, widely known for the stunning crocus circle that flowers around it in the spring, became severely decayed due to honey fungus.
Conservation diary: Spotting a well-camouflaged visitor
If you’re visiting the Dartington estate, keep an eye out for woodcocks, which can be seen by the eagle-eyed watcher at this time of year.
Endangered eels get free run up Bidwell Brook
A new eel pass has been installed at Bidwell Brook in Dartington this week to enable young glass eels, known as elvers, to migrate upstream unimpeded.
Conservation diary: First signs of autumn
During this month you will be able to see the autumn colour in the hedgerows and trees. The fruit on trees are starting to ripen, like the sweet chestnuts and the acorns.
In memoriam: Colette King
Throughout her working life, Colette inspired hundreds of students, colleagues, actors, directors and playwrights.