Make your legacy part of our story

As a charity, Dartington relies on support from legacies and donations to fund our transformative work and create a ‘many-sided’ life for all to access and enjoy. By leaving a gift in your will to support Dartington, you could play a part in helping to protect this wonderful estate, allowing it to grow and thrive as a place of innovation, inspiration and creativity for everyone to enjoy.

Every gift, no matter how big or small, helps to protect Dartington for future generations.

This resource aims to give you an introduction to some of the things you may want to think about if you are considering supporting Dartington with a gift in your will. If you have any questions after reading this guide, please do get in contact with our Legacy Manager, Alice Murdoch on 01803 847 027 or

Thank you for your interest in supporting Dartington.

Why your legacy is important

Dartington in the 21st century will bring together people and ideas, using this beautiful place to test and model ideas for a just and sustainable society.

By leaving a gift in your will, you can play a part in protecting and shaping our future story.

Your legacy could support great arts for everyone

With your support we can:

— Stage world class music, film and performance for everyone to enjoy
— Support artists and musicians to develop experimental new work at Dartington
— Improve access to and participation in the arts at Dartington through inclusive programming and outreach work

Your legacy could help us to share our wonderful heritage with visitors to the estate

With your support we can:

— Share and celebrate the Dartington art collection, archive and history
— Host inspirational talks, events and educational activities for all ages

Your legacy could support innovation and progressive education at Dartington

With your support we can:

— Fund innovations in sustainable land use and production, using our estateas a testbed for ideas
— Convene thinkers, doers and change makers of the future to learn at Dartington through craft courses, postgraduate studies and schools’ programmes

Your legacy could safeguard the future of the beautiful Dartington listed buildings and gardens

With your support we can:

— Care for the gardens and keep them maintained and open for everyone to enjoy
— Restore, protect and open up the beautiful listed buildings and monuments in our care
— Deliver a new vision for the historic gardens in keeping with Dan Pearson’s creative Masterplan

Three main ways to give


A gift of all or a percentage of your estate after all other payments and bequests have been made.


A donation of a fixed sum of money or shares. You can also gift a valuable saleable item, like a piece of jewellery or furniture.


A gift of an item such as an artwork or historic document. If you are considering leaving a specific item, please contact us to ensure that Dartington will be a suitable home.

What to support

Most of the gifts we receive are designed for general purposes. This allows us to direct your support where the need is greatest. However, some people prefer to support a specific area of work that is close to their heart.

Whatever you choose, we will make sure that your legacy is directed in line with your wishes. Please call our Philanthropy team if you would like to discuss how to direct your gift, on 01803 847 027.

Wording for your will

We strongly recommend that you consult a solicitor when making or updating your will, to ensure that it is legally valid and that your wishes are carried out exactly as you want them to be.

Example of wording for a gift for general purposes: ‘I bequeath to The Dartington Hall Trust of Dartington Hall, Totnes, Devon, TQ9 6EL, Registered Charity No 279756 [specific sum or shared residue].’

Example of wording for a gift for a specific aspect of our work: ‘I bequeath to The Dartington Hall Trust of Dartington Hall, Totnes, Devon, TQ9 6EL, Registered Charity No 279756 [specific sum or shared residue] to be used by the Trust towards [name specific area].’

Keep in touch

If you would like to let us know that you are considering leaving a gift in your will, or have already made a gift in your will to The Dartington Hall Trust, please complete a pledge form. We understand that the details of your will are a private matter, and we assure you that this information will treated confidentially. Thank you.

We understand that leaving a gift in your will is an act of trust. We promise that we will follow your direction in terms of how the money is spent and ensure that we use your gift responsibly.
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