The breeding season between 1 March to 31 July is a particularly sensitive time of year for ground nesting birds.

We need your help in ensuring chiff-chaffs, black caps, meadow pipit, yellow wagtails, redshank, snipe, lapwings and swans – amongst others! – are able to lay and protect their eggs safely.

If birds are disturbed these birds can be prevented from roosting in the first place, or end up in flying away from the nests, abandoning their eggs or chicks. For this month’s blog, I’d like to share some facts that will hopefully help spread awareness of how to ensure the birds nest undisturbed.

Disturbance may result in:

– Eggs failing to hatch
– Chicks dying from lack of food or cold weather
– Birds failing to nest
– Nests becoming more vulnerable to predators

FACT: All wild birds are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 whilst they are actively nesting or roosting.

FACT: It is a criminal offence to disturb rare breeding birds, including Peregrine Falcons, Merlins and Hen Harriers. This includes disturbance by your dog.

Recognising a disturbed or distressed bird:

– They will make a loud repeated alarm call.
– They will come much closer than usual – some birds will dive-bomb you. These are signs that the birds feel threatened by your presence and you should back away.
– The bird may display subtle behaviour by circling directly above you.
– The bird may feign injury to try to distract you from the nest.

Finally, here’s three things  you can do to help during ground nesting bird season (1 March to 31 July).

Recognising a disturbed or distressed bird:

1. Please stick to permissive tracks and paths – especially where there is dense scrub like blackthorn, bramble and bracken.

2. Provide plenty of room to young birds and adults that seem to be distressed. Proceed away quietly and swiftly.

3. Above all, please keep your dog on a lead.

Your help is invaluable in helping Dartington’s conservation programmes. Thank you!


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