We invite you to celebrate the launch of a groundbreaking new project. Public Launch: 10 October 2015
The new Huxhams Cross Farm in Dartington, the stunning result of a community share offer from the Biodynamic Land Trust (BDLT), will have a public launch on Saturday 10 October (4pm) at Dartington Village Hall.
The resident farmer (and tenant of the BDLT), Marina O’Connell, has previously created success with The Apricot Centre in North Essex. Over 34 acres at Huxhams Cross Farm, Marina will draw on a rich tool box of biodynamic, organic, permacultural and agro-ecological methods to regenerate bare land.
The launch is an open door invitation for all interested in celebrating how this inspiring project came to fruition and in learning how it aims to develop a community-connected, educational farm, orchard and market garden.
Says Marina O’Connell:
“The farm is a new co-operatively owned project, belonging to the community, managed and run by the Apricot Centre team. It weaves together biodynamic farming and permaculture design to grow local sustainable and delicious food whilst supporting wildlife. We will offer experiences and training to children and people from all walks of life. ‘Changing the food system one carrot at a time’ is what it’s all about, whilst having a good time in nature.”
Martin Large, BDLT Director, will explain at the launch how the community raised the £220,000 capital needed to buy 34 acres of land on the Dartington estate. He says:
“Huxhams Cross Farm gives Totnes people the opportunity to invest in their own community for food security, real family farming and a living, working countryside. This farm will become a beautiful green oasis at the heart of the community.”
Says Rhodri Samuel, The Dartington Hall Trust CEO:
“The Apricot Centre at Huxhams Cross Farm is great news for Dartington. What Marina is planning goes against the grain of conventional agriculture and fits in perfectly with our focus on experimenting with different farming and business models on the estate. It will provide an exceptional educational resource for the community.”
All representatives of the venture will be present at the launch, together with local poet Matt Harvey as a special guest. Residents, locals and leading professionals in the field have praised the venture:
“This farm is a brilliant demonstration of how restoring and enhancing the ecological fertility of land can have huge social and economic benefits for local communities. Re-localising our economies around sustainably productive land, as is the case with Huxhams Cross Farm, can help provide food security while providing education, training and job opportunities for local people.” – Molly Scott Cato, South West MEP
“Marina O’Connell is a horticulturalist who knows the Dartington soil well and can make this land flourish again.” – Wendy Cook, Dartington resident
“Marina O’Connell and her team have more than 25 years’ successful experience of creating exceptional farms… They are skilled in communicating the concepts of a vibrant local food movement to differing audiences in a variety of ways. Those who know her are eager to welcome her back home” – Anne Phillips, Founding Director of Schumacher College and Dartington resident
“I am excited and encouraged by The Apricot Centre’s wish to create this biodynamic farm – it represents huge faith on their part in the local economy. Their multi-use model, blending farming with education, and valued added food processing, is the result of many years’ experience and will be a valuable addition to local food systems.” – Naresh Giangrande, Totnes Transition Network
“Schumacher College welcomes the addition of a biodynamic farm to the growing cluster of innovative farming approaches developing around Totnes. Our students will benefit greatly from the research and training opportunities which the new farm will offer.” – Tim Crabtree, Senior Lecturer in Economics, Schumacher College
‘This farm connects purposefully with the original aims and objectives of the Elmhirsts. For the earth to flourish in diversity and productivity stewarded by sensitive, intelligent humans, is entirely congruent with the Elmhirsts’ vision for a sustainable world. As a local resident, I’ll be delighted when Apricot gets going.” – Chris Salisbury, Huxhams Cross resident
“This community purchase of land for people and wildlife-friendly farming is the best way to change the world radically. Go for it!” – Colin and Ruth Tudge, Campaign for Real Farming
Are you selling food is it organic do you have price lists and home delivery for those of us stuck in overly stressful jobs in order to survive but also help others and dont have time to sort all this out on a precious weekend thus going to supermarket still easier option but dont want it to be thus .