Celebrating 50 years of the study of economics as if people matter.

Schumacher College takes its name from the forward-thinking economist and statistician E. F. Schumacher, whose influential book Small Is Beautiful was published 50 years ago. To mark this anniversary, a number of institutions are coming together to celebrate the continuing relevance of his work and to revisit the idea of an economics as if people really matter. As we revisit his work, we will also ask what that economic alternatives might look like from the new vantage point of the present day, for the future.
There are a number of exciting events and workshops planned throughout the year both here and further afield, and we encourage you to join us and our friends in a mix of celebration and conversation.
“On the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of his seminal book Small is Beautiful we offer our homage to E.F. Schumacher and pay tribute to his memory. May Schumacher College be a living example of ecological and social transformation and regenerative learning for a long time to come.” – Satish Kumar
“What strikes you when you reread Small is Beautiful today is the dense and vibrant mix of philosophy, of environmentalism, and of economics, and also its bold idealism. Schumacher is not somebody whose thinking is bounded by what already exists, he asks more what should we be aiming for—it’s a book of bold, imaginative speculation, and we need much more of that kind of thing to meet the challenges of the times we’re living through today.” – Ruth Potts, Head of Regenerative Economics

Image credit: Shannon Welles – the red woods at Dartington
Small Is… Imagining Regenerative Futures
4 – 5 March, Dartington, a student-led symposium and Earth Talk. Recording to follow.
Small is the Future – The Ecologist
17 June, Bristol More info >
Small is Beautiful Reimagined – Schumacher College
2 September, Dartington More info >
* Please contact us if you would like us to add your event to this page.

Find out more about studying Regenerative Economics at Schumacher College this September.