Thanks to funding from the Environment Agency and the Postcode Local Trust, work has started this week (6 July) on the first stage of work to transform Queen’s Marsh area into a wetland.

The project aims to create a home for a vast array of wildlife – from otters and bats to wading birds and fish – and to ensure that current and future generations can observe and engage with the wildlife on the Dartington estate.

The Dartington Hall Trust’s Food and Farming Manager, Harriet Bell says: “We had hoped to secure funding to complete the entire project this year but we still have some way to go; however we’re keen to make a start on the next stages as we explore other funding possibilities to take forward the second part of the project.

“Over the summer you can expect to see local land and water engineers Landmarc, based in Halwell, create two new ponds and seven ‘scrapes’ – very shallow and seasonal ponds around which a wild flower meadow will be seeded.

“Landmarc will also be regrading the banks of the Bidwell Brook as it passes through Queen’s Marsh, restoring its direct connection with the floodplain which is vital to the wetland habitat. This will be followed later in the year by a series on interpretation panels for public interest and enjoyment.”

Queen’s Marsh: the project in pictures

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“Other stages of work including establishing a wet woodland, which the Woodland Trust have kindly offered to support, and putting in place a board walk and bird hide so that people can access and enjoy the marsh.

But first the project needs to raise a further £30,000 to create new and improved habitat features in the stream through the use of natural materials such as gravels and brushwood mattresses, providing better habitat for fish to spawn in and for baby fish or ‘fry’, and reducing the build-up of sediment which can exacerbate flooding in the local area.


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